Over the past 20 years, I’ve been a clinician, consultant, supervisor, board member and educator. I have worked in a wide variety of settings including; recovery clinics, community mental health agencies, college campuses, and a sports and psychology clinic. The following list is just a sample of the Bay Area agencies/organizations that I have been a part of:
Salvation Army Adult Rehabilitation Center, Oakland, CA
SFSU Counseling Clinic, San Francisco, CA
Bay Area Community Resources, San Rafael, CA
New Leaf Services for Our Community, San Francisco, CA
St. Mary’s Hospital, San Francisco, CA
CSU East Bay, Counseling and Psychological Services, Hayward, CA
UCSF, Center for Aids Prevention Studies, SF, CA
Family Service Counseling Center, San Leandro, CA
Eden Counseling Services, Castro Valley, CA
Endurance, A Sports and Psychology Center, Berkeley, CA
The Wright Institute, Berkeley, CA
*I am currently active with the following professional associations:
Gaylesta (The Psychotherapist Association for Gender and Sexual Diversity)
QTOC (Queer Therapists of Color)
The North American Menopause Society